Henoto Production System
Transform your company into a 100% digital reality.
The Henoto Production System is a scalable, 100% digital and automated production system.
HPS includes: Henoto Portal, Henoto Tools and Henoto Supply Chain.
Henoto Portal
Everything comes from an idea.
Henoto Portal is the online platform in which the end customer can bring their project to life by submitting their own mockup, or by being inspired by a database with more than 1 million renders and as many photos of the projects Henoto has completed over the years, categorized by type, event, industry and size.
Henoto Tools
Patented and modular technology.
Once the order is received from the client, Henoto's creative team creates the design, using the digital abacus, which is the digital library containing Henoto Tools' 3D models.abaco digitale, ovvero la libreria digitale contenente i modelli 3D di Henoto Tools.
Tools are at the heart of Henoto's technology: they are modular, patented and environmentally sustainable elements with which any project can be brought to life.
Henoto Supply Chain
Production system 4.0
Il progetto definitivo viene scomposto in tanti task quante sono le sue componenti e, grazie alle tecnologie fornite da Henoto, passa alla fase produttiva secondo i principi dell’industria 4.0, ovvero: automazione completa, controllo costante di ogni fase del processo produttivo, produzione sostenibile con tecnologia Tools, stoccaggio e montaggio dello stand.
The Neutral Way philosophy
We compensate for the CO2 emitted during the production process.
The Neutral Way è la filosofia allestitiva promossa da Henoto, in piena aderenza con le linee guida per la progettazione e la realizzazione di allestimenti sostenibili, pensata per la salvaguardia dell’ambiente e applicabile all’ambito Exhibit, Temporary Structures, Contract, Retail.
Sulla base di essa Henoto, in collaborazione con LAGO Design and Spinlife dell’Università di Padova, ha progettato “The Good House”, la nuova installazione fieristica concepita come una casa contemporanea e sostenibile. Un nuovo approccio che in occasione del Salone del Mobile 2022 porta alla luce un progetto ispirato al modello di economia circolare in grado di coniugare insieme innovazione e sostenibilità oltre a creare una sinergia tra natura, tecnologia e persone.
A booth turned iconic.
The Good House is Tailoring project 100% custom, è stato il precursore della filosofia “The Neutral Way”.
Thanks to the use of Tools, Henoto's modular and patented technology, and the materials adopted, each element, having reached the end of its cycle, was transformed and reused, reducing waste.
A certified production process.
In 2013, after a study on the environmental impact of the production system and subsequent compensation, Henoto was awarded the CO2 Neutral label by the Ministry of Environment.2 Neutral.
With CoverUp's patented technology, fabrics and materials used follow a "life cycle" in line with the philosophy promoted: they are designed to be lightweight and flexible in transport, can be reused repeatedly and, finally, recycled.
Hyperspace, comprende tutte le linee prodotto ottenibili attraverso l’utilizzo degli Henoto Tools. Trattasi della declinazione delle tecnologie progettate e prodotte da Henoto nei rispettivi settori Exhibit, Retail, Contract, Temporary Structures.
Henoto World Wide
Through an international network representing us all over the world, Henoto is a leading economic player in the sector of all-around setting-up: our worldwide network - from Europe to the United States, from China to the United Arab Emirates - allows us to offer our services everywhere.
Partnerships with companies operating in different sectors, extensive experience in large-scale event management, and perfect market knowledge ensure that Henoto can offer a quick solution to all requests.
- Chicago
- Las Vegas
- Guadalajara
- Bologna
- Padua
- Milan
- Lugano
- Warsaw
Middle east
- Dubai
- Shangai
Meet us
Fill out the form below to meet us at our booth at EuroShop 2023.
Euroshop 2023
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